Starting a New Business
Are you thinking of starting your own business, but you're afraid, concerned...actually, you're freaked out? That puts you in good company with many others who have come before you and asked the same question: Do I have what it takes? According to the dictionary, an entrepreneur is someone who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise. That sounds pretty straight-forward, doesn't it? We all have some degree of organizational skills. How's about management skills? Were you dressed when you left the house this morning? Then somewhere along the way you managed the process of picking out clothes and putting them on your body, right? Congratulations! It appears that you qualify as a bona fide entrepreneur...or do you? Read the definition again - I think it says something about "assuming the risks of a business or enterprise". That is precisely where most potential business owners consider themselves unprepared, mainly because they have ...