Facebook Business

Business No-Brainers: Why You Should Use A Facebook Business Page Not Your Facebook Profile! I was compelled to write this three-part article after meeting so many business owners who have not yet realised the benefits of a Business Page for their brand, products or services and are, in my opinion, really missing a trick. And then there are those who either misunderstand the separate entity concept of a Facebook Business Page or mistakenly think that it gives people a portal to their private lives online. I have even met business owners who to my dismay have set up multiple Facebook accounts with separate log-ins - so much unnecessary work for them. 1. Personal vs. Private A Facebook Profile and Business Page are (nearly) mutually exclusive and lead very separate lives providing you always remember to post updates as your Page. Whilst there is a limit to what is 'public' on your Facebook Profile unless somebody is friends with you, if you are still concerned about the distinction, it doesn't do any harm to lock down the settings even further if you wish to - Facebook gives you the flexibility and control to do this. ezmovie ezmovie ezmovie ezmovie ezmovie ezmovie ezmovie ezmovie ezmovie ezmovie ezmovie ezmovie ezmovie ezmovie ezmovie ezmovie ezmovie ezmovie ezmovie ezmovie ezmovie ezmovie ezmovie ezmovie ezmovie ezmovie ezmovie ezmovie ezmovie ezmovie


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